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Heaton Mersey Methodist Church is a small, friendly, outward-looking, growing family church. Our Church family comprises a variety of ages & different denominational backgrounds. We therefore have a variety of styles of worship including Teaching and Testimony Services and Cafe Church, encouraging church family participation whenever possible, whilst primarily striving to make our services accessible to those who are not familiar with Church. We support the Alpha course.

Morning Worship is at 10.45am most Sundays, led by the Minister or a visiting preacher and a small number of musicians. We aim to provide a variety of styles of worship – from traditional to contemporary.

Please look at our own web-site for more details on all our activities or check out our Facebook page!


Who let the Dad's out is a play session for Dad's/Grandad's and young children held on the first Saturday on the month from 10-12
We have a weekly playgroup Playtime@Church which is on Tuesday mornings in term times, we do have a waiting list for this.
For the older generations we are working with other Churches in the Heatons on a new project "Holiday@Home".

Get In Touch

0300 0110 015 (Option 2)

Circuit Administrator
0300 0110 015 (Option 1)

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© 2025 – United Stockport Methodist Circuit