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Hong Kong Fellowship


The Hong Kong Fellowship was established in Jan 2023 in responding to the needs of a faith community for Hongkongers who live in Stockport. We started with three Hong Kong families and now we have 70 members registered. Every 3rd Sunday afternoon of the month, we have a fellowship gathering at Edgeley Community Church. There is a different theme every month and led by guest speakers. We start with a light lunch, then worship together, and playing crafts and games activities. We share information and support each other. Many of the members were already Christians in Hong Kong, some are new to the Christian faith, and others are in search for the meaning of life. Our youngest member is six and the oldest ones are over 70s. We have a lot of talented people, including artists, musicians, cooks, teachers, and Christian leaders.

In addition, we organise a monthly social event. So far, we have music jam night, bowling, theatre show, exhibition, dim sum, film screening, and day trips.

Every Friday morning, we also run an English Workshop for our members to improve their English. It is run by one of our members, Ada who was an English teacher in Hong Kong. The class is mainly for beginners. We have over 30 people registered.

On Tuesday evening, there is a Bible Study led by Chris who is one of our members too. The group has participants from a diverse background, not just Hongkongers.

We are very grateful to have the support from the Circuit and Caleb project to fund our fellowship for five years. As the group grows, we hope to explore ways for future development.

Please come and visit us. We would like to use our talents to build the church and community together with you!

Mei Yuk Wong

Hong Kong Fellowship Coordinator


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