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Our Church has now served the community around Great Moor, Mile End, Offerton and Stepping Hill for over 80 years. The building is accessible to all, and everyone is welcome to share in our worship and fellowship. We enjoy a wide variety of worship styles from traditional, to café style, to Taize and Iona worship. There is a Sunday School each week, except when we have our monthly family worship and we have a much-appreciated band who occasionally lead our singing. We have an evening service on the first and third Sundays of the month at 6.00 and a mid-day communion service on the first and third Wednesdays of the month.

A number of house groups meet regularly and our Church building is used by many Church and Outreach groups including Dialietots, (our toddler group), Dialstone writers, knitters, an art group and Uniformed Organisations. There are monthly social groups who meet in the evening and the afternoon, as well as a monthly charity lunch. These groups, along with local schools, often support church festivals and events.
Dialstone Lane Methodist Church has taken a number of initiatives to support justice, peace and environmental issues. These include achieving two Eco-Congregation awards, embracing the Churches Together in Britain and Ireland "Good Society" initiative, leading to meetings on promoting a dementia friendly society and with Church Action on Poverty, hustings prior to national and local elections, regular Traidcraft stalls, supporting the local Food Bank and establishing a wild-life garden at the church.
We are a friendly Church, where all are welcome. Why not come and see for yourself?
More information is available on our own website – www.dialstonelanemethodistchurch.co.uk or on our Facebook page www.facebook.com/dialstonelane

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0300 0110 015 (Option 2)

Circuit Administrator
0300 0110 015 (Option 1)

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© 2025 – United Stockport Methodist Circuit